Novel Writing Classes Begin September 3rd!

Publishing Inspiring Curriculum
"As leaders in education, our job is not to control those whom we serve, but to unleash their talent."
-George Couros
Novel Writing Classes Begin September 3rd!
"As leaders in education, our job is not to control those whom we serve, but to unleash their talent."
-George Couros
Welcome to our vibrant student community, a haven designed especially for new authors to thrive. Whether you're weaving tales of fantasy, unraveling gripping mysteries, or delving into the nuances of human emotions, you'll find kindred spirits who share your passion for the written word. With live classes, a dynamic writer's platform, contests and critiques, we're here to help you transform your ideas into captivating stories. Kids Write Novels is where every voice finds its place and every story finds its wings.
Explore our exciting collection of educational materials. Please let us know if we can meet your needs in any additional way.
Do you have a homeschool curriculum or supplementals to be published? Do you have a work-in-progress? Fantastic! Let us know.
Students have so many stories to tell but no where to develop or publish them. Learn more about at